Freelance writing assignment commissioning tips Abraham zapruder changed the world with a movie camera in dallas on november 23rd, 1963. In 1991 george holliday made history with a video camera when police stopped rodney king across the street. His tape introduced us all to the power of citizen, your next assignment is this: go…
Sustainability Report by Jindal Steel and Power
Great teachers don't write lesson plans Students have a hard time these days. Not only do they have a heavy workload at college, they also have to balance their studies with one or more jobs just so that they can scratch by. Making the transition from school to college or university isn't always easy, as…
Altering human life expectancy is undoubtedly not a logical
Get started as a writer with your first writing sale - use this no-fail process "i'm thinking about writing my autobiography," a friend said. "which publisher should i contact?" like many would-be writers, he thought he could write a book, send it to a publisher, and receive his "rich and famous" contract. This has never…
Biotechnology A Solution to the Hunger Nutrition Crisis
College planning - completing your law school personal statement The other day, i had the dubious pleasure of reviewing sales copy submitted by a new group of my beloved cubs - each of whom has read the masters and even completed courses on copywriting . And each of whom i believe has the innate talent…